Appraisal Management Companies
Register an Appraisal Management Company (AMC)
How do I register an Appraisal Management Company?
To become a register Appraisal Management Company you must complete and submit the following items to the Division:
- Appraisal Management Company Application (this includes all forms for the complete filing).
- Main Control Person Application .
- Control Person Application for any individuals owning 10% or more of the Appraisal Management Company.
- Minor Owner Application
- Two fingerprint cards for the Main Control Person, Control Persons, and all Minor Owners. Use fingerprint FBI card #FD-258.
- Letter of Waiver for Main Control Person and all Control Persons.
- Individuals Selecting Appraisers or Reviewing Appraisal Reports on Utah Property Form .
- Surety Bond Form .
- $350 non-refundable Application Fee.
- $30 fingerprint processing fee for Main Control Persons, Control Persons, and Minor Owners