Real Estate
On Time Renewal CE Requirements for Active Sales Agents
An on-time renewal occurs no sooner than 45 days prior to a licensee’s expiration date and up until 11:59 p.m. on the licensee’s expiration date
Active Sales Agents
Complete 18 hours of certified Real Estate Continuing Education Courses (CE) every renewal cycle. CE Courses may be a combination of CORE topic courses and ELECTIVE Courses.
A minimum of 9 CORE topic course hours must be completed and of those 9 CORE topic course hours, 3 of those hours MUST be a DIVISION APPROVED 3-HOUR MANDATORY COURSE. All CE must be completed by the 15th of the renewal month in order to ensure an on-time renewal.
Active New Sales Agent
A new Sales Agents is an agent who is renewing for the first time since obtaining their license. ALL NEW SALES AGENTS MUST COMPLETE THE 12 HOUR NEW AGENT COURSE and a DIVISION APPROVED 3-HOUR MANDATORY COURSE. The remaining 3 hours may consist of any core topic or elective courses.
Renewal CE Requirements for Sales Agents who expired on Active Status
A License expires if it is not renewed on or before the expiration date of the license.
Expired and renewed within the first 30 days; Complete the 18 hours of certified Real Estate Continuing Education Courses as outlined above and pay a $50.00 late fee in addition to renewal fee.
Sales agents that allow their license to expire beyond the first 30 days, will have their expired license converted to expired-inactive status and will be required to re-activate with a brokerage and pay the $15 Activation Fee upon reinstatement of their license.
Expired 31 days to 12 months; Complete the 18 hours of certified Real Estate Continuing Education Courses as outlined above for an on-time renewal and pay a $100.00 reinstatement fee in addition to renewal and/or activation fees.
Expired past 12 months; The Division shall relicense a person who does not renew that person's license within one year as prescribed for an original application ( §R162-2f-204 (2) (e)).