
Apply for a Mortgage Company, DBA, or Branch License

To obtain a license for a Mortgage Company or dba Company:

You must create a registration on the NMLS website and complete an MU1 Form and the accompanying MU2 Form(s). There are procedures in NMLS to be followed as well as jurisdictional specific procedures for Utah. These are outlined in NMLS and summarized below:

  • Each entity must submit a Certificate of Existence  from the Utah Division of Corporations. This can be uploaded on your NMLS filing.
  • Each entity must submit a notarized letter on company letterhead authorizing the Principal Lending Manager to use the company name.
  • All trade names (dbas) must be listed in the Other Trade Name section on the MU1 Form for the company and a license filed.
  • A license request must be made for all trade names (dbas) - "DRE Entity License Other Trade Name #(x)," in order to do business under that name in the state.
  • A Certificate of Existence from the Utah Division of Corporations must be uploaded to the MU1 filing for all trade names.

To register a Branch Office:

  • File a Form MU3 through NMLS.
  • A Form MU1 must be filed in NMLS for the Company before a branch filing can occur.
  • A branch manager must be designated for each location and the branch manager must hold a Lending Manager license.
  • The registration costs include the NMLS processing fee and the new application fee. All fees are payable through NMLS and are non-refundable.
  • Once a request for licensure has been made in NMLS, the Utah Division of Real Estate will review for approval.
  • All documentation must be submitted to the Utah Division of Real Estate within 5 days of the electronic submission of your application.

To change a Mortgage Company name:

After a company is registered on NMLS all name changes (and other amendments) will be processed in NMLS by amending the MU1 Form. The company must provide the following to the Division:

  • Certificate of Existence from the Utah Division of Corporations  showing the company is current and in good standing.
  • Notarized letter on the company’s letterhead, signed by a company President or Owner, authorizing the PLM to use the company name.

To change a Mortgage Company owner:

Alll ownership changes must be submitted through NMLS on the MU1 Form.The following documentation will need to be submitted to the Utah Division of Real estate within 5 days of filing in NMLS:

  • Certificate of Existence from the Utah Division of Corporations  showing the new ownership and that the company is current and in good standing.
  • Notarized letter on the company’s letterhead, signed by any new company President or Owner, authorizing the PLM to use the company name

To change the PLM for a Mortgage Company:

After the company is registered in NMLS, to change a PLM, you will need to amend the MU1 Form and the accompanying MU2 Form to show the new PLM as a Qualifying Individual for Utah. Submit to the Division a notarized letter on the company’s letterhead, signed by a company President or Owner, authorizing the PLM to use the company name. The new PLM will need to be sponsored by the company.